Betty Allen (continued from previous edition); Collections Acquisitions: Table Top Tube Radio, Pin Cushion Doll, Crocheted Apron, Postal Scale, 2 Trunks, Set of Measuring Spoons in a Flower Holder, "Secrets of North Atlantic Islands" by Edward Rowe Snow, and a table top display case.
November 2023
Our Lives: Jim and Maxine Carroll, by Susan Buell; New Boston Cane Holder, G. Eugene WallsOur Lives, by Susan Buell; Recent Acquisitions; Flamingo Festival 2023
An Islander’s Perspective: The Carroll Homestead, by Julie Fernald; A New-Found Islander’s History, by Julie Fernald
November 2022
The Changing Storefronts [of Sawyer’s Market]August 2022
Do Flamingos Fly?, Flamingo Festival photos, Manset Meeting House Open HouseMay 2022
Boston Post Cane 2022, Odd Happenings: Southwest Harbor, the IOOF & Rebekah’s, and our Shared History, The Bell and the Belfry: A Glimpse at our Bell and its Recent Make-over -
November 2021
A brief history of the Moorings Inn, S.O.S. updates, summer involvement, acquisitions, etc.May 2021
Boston Cane goes to LaVerne Redlon, Save Our Steeple project, “The Best of Chris’s Pond” by Bernice Klausky, “Southwest Harbor and Pemetic” poem by Pemetic First Grade. -
November 2020
”Pemetic Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows” by Henryetta Ponczek, “November = Thanksgiving = The Mayflower = Descendants” by Henryetta Ponczek, Taste of OldJune 2020
Baker Island and Mt. Desert Rock LighthousesFebruary 2020
Mom and Pop Grocery Stores, Northeast Document Recovery Center Inservice, Town Meeting recollections -
November 2019
Clark’s Southwest DairyJune 2019
”Capital Campaign” by Patty Pinkham, “Our National Pastime” by Henryetta PonczekFebruary 2019
The Corner of Main St. and Clark Point Rd., Historic Seawall Campground -
November 2018
Manset Union Church, “White’s Basketball Court” by Leighton WassJune 2018
Appalachian Mountain Club, St. John’s Episcopal Church in Southwest Harbor, Fernald Point Prehistoric Site, Recollections of Hancock County FairFebruary 2018
Dr. Kendall Kittredge; “Snow, Snow, and More Snow;” The Claremont Hotel -
November 2017
Manset Union Church, “Tracing One’s Lineage” by Rebecca Dow BurnhamJune 2017
The Causeway Club, Historic Edgecliff -
November 2016
Warren Worcester (local veteran), Southwest Harbor memories by Leighton WassJune 2016
”1916 Steamboats, Horse & Buggy, and Autos,” “1916 Schools,” “1916 Miscellanea,” Postcards from the PastFebruary 2016
”Telephones” by Henryetta Ponczek, The Old Burying Ground -
November 2015
Annabelle’s, Boston Post Cane presentation to Mary Orcutt HarkinsJune 2015
Southwest Harbor Band, Overseers of the PoorFebruary 2015
J.R. Stanley Ice Sluice, Addison Packing Company -
November 2014
Simeon “Sim” MayoJune 2014
Beech Hill; Murray Johnston’s recollections of Mt. Desert and the Manset shoreFebruary 2014
”Frances Parker” schooner, Maine Granite Historical Society Museum, “John Brown, US Navy Revolutionary War Veteran” -
November 2013
Friendship sloopsJune 2013
Raymond Morris receives Boston Post Cane; J.L. Stanley, Businessman; Summer, At Last!February 2013
Winter Pastimes, 1885-1894; Chris’s Pond; Favorite Recipes -
May 2012
Southwest Harbor Schools: A Short History, by Henryetta Ponczek; “J.T. Morse”January 2012
Miscellaneous photos and postcards -
September 2011
Recipes from the Past: Blueberry PuddingApril 2011
Recipes from the Past: Clam Patties -
February 2010
1917 Southwest Harbor Freshman Class; Douglas Norwood recollections -
November 2009
Your Memories Shared With OthersAugust 2009
Way of Life by Bill Benson -
Summer 2008
Boston Post Cane history -
Our Neighborhood - Manset and Seawall (2015)
160 pages with compact disc. 8 ½” x 11”.
Features 365 buildings with comprehensive deed work; 125 photos.
View the order form and download (includes other items from our gift shop).
The Sou’west Voyage, our newsletter
All members of the Southwest Harbor Historical Society receive an annual print subscription to The Sou’west Voyage, published three times a year. Digital versions are available below, beginning with the latest edition.